
Get a skate park built in your community

Although many skaters do not have a nice area to practice their skating. Skate parks have bowls, ramps, handrails and other features designed specifically for skating, which generally can not be found elsewhere. If you love skating, but it is not a skate park nearby, consider measures to get one built in your community. Although some parks are built by shoe companies or other professionals, local organizations can also get skate parks built.

First, howthere is much interest in obtaining a park. Trying to determine how skaters live in your city. If there is a local skate shop, talk with owners and see if they are able to assess how many skaters are. This will go a long way towards showing the need for the park and build interest in the project.

After determining who would be interested, as an organization. This should include the skaters and others who are interested in the park, as the owners of local businesses. Sureyou have a lot of adults involved, not just teenagers. As most community members are not skaters, focused on providing information on benefits for the community to get people to support your proposed skate park.

Once you have enough interest to get the park built, it is time to determine how much it will cost. How big is it? What kind of features not skaters in your community want to see in their park? We recommend visiting the nearby parks to get an idea ofwhat you want. Construction companies to contact in your area, or one of the largest construction companies skate park in the country. Make a general estimate of what it would cost to build a skate park.

Think critically about how the skate park work. Who will pay for maintenance or repair? What about liability if someone falls while skating? If the park is secure? What time do they open? BMX will be permitted, alone or skateboard? Thoseresponsible for skate parks in other cities can be an invaluable resource for determining the best answers to these questions. Make sure you have ready answers to these questions.

Now print posters and flyers to attract the broader community for your cause. Hold community meetings to generate interest, but are prepared for those who are opposed to the region. Some in the community believe that May is too dangerous to skate or a skate park may attract the wrong crowd. Be prepared to meet theirconcerns. Choose a few articulate members of your organization to make the most of the floor. These meetings are held in a public place in your community, such as the local library or recreation center, or in the local skate shop. It is recommended to develop a petition, once the community is committed to the project so that we can demonstrate how many fans you have. Do not forget the Internet as a means to spread the word.

Once you have a plan drawn up, take your case toCity Council. During the meeting, outlined the need for skate park and show your proof of Community support for the park, as the petition. Ask your community leaders on all sources of funding, may provide for the skate park.

Once you get people excited about the park, you will need to make a plan to begin collecting cash. Ask your local skate shop if they would be willing to provide space for a box of gifts. Owners can also be prepared to donate directly to the cause. Hold lotsfundraising activities. The mobilization of funds is often the most difficult to find a skate park built, so be patient.

When you approach achieving your goals for fundraising, the next step is to determine where the skate park should be. There should be a lot of community involvement in this phase. Meetings of the host communities and to hang flyers for community participation. The skate park should be located in a central, but there may be problems if the park is too close to othercompany.

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